Fleurieu Regional Aquatic Centre Authority

The Authority

The Fleurieu Regional Aquatic Centre Authority (the Authority), is a regional subsidiary established under Section 43 of the Local Government Act 1999 by its Constituent Councils; City of Victor Harbor and Alexandrina Council. The Authority was established in August 2015 to enable joint ownership and management of the aquatic centre.

The Board

The Authority is governed by a board of management that is responsible for ensuring the Authority acts in accordance with its Charter and all other relevant legislation. The Board consists of five members (one elected member from each constituent council and three independent members).

Current Board Members are:

  • Steve Mathewson, Independent Member and Chairperson
  • Mr. Mark Easton, Independent Member and Deputy Chairperson
  • Vicki Tomlinson, Independent Member
  • Cr Angela Schiller, Council Member Representative - City of Victor Harbor
  • Cr Margaret Gardner, Council Member Representative – Alexandrina Council

Constituent Councils have also nominated the following Deputy Council Member representatives:

  • Cr Stewart Burns – City of Victor Harbor
  • Cr Lou Nicholson – Alexandrina Council

For more information and support please contact admin@fleurieuaquaticcentre.com.au


The Board will meet on the following dates:

Thursday, 15 February 2024, 2pmAlexandrina Council - Large Meeting Room
Tuesday, 26 March 2024, 1pmCity of Victor Harbor - Encounter Room
Thursday, 23 May 2024, 2pmCity of Victor Harbor - Encounter Room
Friday, 12 July 2024, 1:00pmAlexandrina Council - Large Meeting Room


The Board will hold workshops on the following dates:

Thursday, 8 February 2024, 1:00pmFleurieu Aquatic Centre

History of the Project

After decades of investigations and planning, followed by a 21-month construction period, our communities' dream of an aquatic facility on the Fleurieu Peninsula's south coast was realised in March 2017.

The $21 million project was a joint initiative of the Alexandrina Council and City of Victor Harbor, with funding support from the Australian Government and State Government's Community, Recreation and Sport Facilities Program; and a generous land donation from Beyond Today.

The two councils worked tirelessly together with our community and key stakeholders to deliver this high-quality facility on time and on budget. We are extremely proud of what we have achieved.

Authority Documents & Reports

Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes

View the agendas and minutes of Fleurieu Regional Aquatic Centre Authority Board Meetings.

Click here to view Agenda and Minutes from 2016 - 2022.

Board Workshop Agendas

Confidential Items Register

From time to time the public may be excluded from Authority and Committee meetings.

Section 90 of the Local Government Act 1999 provides that a Council, Committee or Subsidiary may order the public to be excluded from attendance at a meeting.

To do this, the Authority must apply for an order which will specify the reason for the order, duration of the order or the circumstances in which the order will cease to apply, or a period after which the order must be reviewed.

The Authority will only make an order that a document associated with a discussion from which the public are excluded will remain confidential if it is considered proper and necessary in the broader community interest.

A review of the reports or documents that are the subject of orders of confidentiality are conducted to ensure that items are released to the public, in accordance with the resolutions of the Authority.

To view the Authority's Confidential Items Register, click here

Minutes can be access by clicking on the relevant meeting under Board Meeting and Agenda Minutes (above)

To view a summary of the Released Documents, click here

To view the individual reports released (where applicable), please click on the relevant link below:

Meeting DateAuthority / CommitteeReport Title
29-04-2016Authority8.2 Tender Process for Recruitment of Part-Time Executive Officer Contract
29-07-2016Authority8.1 Executive Officer Selection & Approval to Enter in Contract
18-04-2018Authority9.1 Audit & Risk Management Committee: Confidential Minutes
18-04-2018Authority9.2 Draft YMCA Operational Management Key Performance Indicators
18-05-2018Authority4.1 Adjourned matter – Confidential - FRACA000138 Draft YMCA Operational Management Key Performance Indicators

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